Friday, May 17, 2013

Light Painting

This project was to pick a person or super hero and make a light painting using flashlights, glow sticks, etc. Our group chose to do Iron Man and we cut out his mask and made a stencil and had lights glowing out of his hand and eyes. If we did this again we would have made a chest piece to make it look better.


 This project was to paint a landscape but i ended up painting a volcano and it turned out pretty well. If I had to redo this painting I would try to make the lines of lava and explosions smaller and thinner to appear more realistic. Overall this project was pretty successful. I painted this the way I would imagine if I saw a volcano exploding with the red sky and the clouds being a darker color.

Friday, April 26, 2013


The purpose of this project was to learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and using the different tools and gizmos it contains. The hardest part was to pick a good color gradient and lining up the two flowers perfectly to make it look good. If I had to do this again I would pick different colors.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Clay Sculpture

I feel like the clay sculture came out pretty well except the mouth. The easy parts of the sculpture worked well like the eyes and nose but the mouth was hard to make, also the hardest part was to get the horn on the side of the head to stay and not fall off. If I had to do this again I would try to make it smaller so it would be easier to draw in the details and I would also try to make it look a little like the one I made on the iPad.

Mud Wall

 This came out really well considering the amount of time we had. The hardest part was covering up the old colors because the black and yellow kept coming back through. The colors we had were good for what we wanted to do which was to make an inverse brick wall. If I had to do this again I would pick a different wall that didn't have previous colors already on there.

Forced Perspective

This project was successful because it gives the illusion of him having cool hair. The hardest part was figuring out how to get the hair to perfectly line up and not having your hand in the picture holding the hair. If I were to do this project again I would do something cooler and outside. One thing I would change would be to make the hair more realistic.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Angry Pancake

I made an angry pancake with the jaws of a fish. Through this project I learned how to use Photoshop to do a project like this because I had never done it before. The most difficult part was to cut out the jaws of the fish.